


Read the following passage and complete the exercises below

Fat Kid Clipart Png

This is Jim. He is 14 and goes to a secondary school in Liverpool. He likes eating a lot and that is why he is so heavy. He weights 70 kg and he is only 1,55cm tall. He loves watching TV, but he never does any exercise. His teachers says he is very intelligent but too lazy to study and to do homework. 

Tall Woman Clipart

This is Leah, she is 18 years old and this is her first year at the university. She studies economics in Manchester. She is a very tall girl, she is 1, 96cm tall and she is very thin. She eats a lot of vegetables and fruits. One day, she would like to play for the NBA. She studies very hard and her marks are very good. Her teachers are very pleasant with her. Now, she is very popular at the university. 

6 Kids Sites, Bedtime Stories, News Stories, Short - Boy Clipart ...

This is Adam. He is 15 years old. Adam doesn’t want to go to the university. He doesn’t play basketball because he is very short. He is only 1, 75cm tall and weighs 68 kg. He loves music and his dream is to become a disc jockey. He also likes sports. He is a football fan and plays for the school team.   


  • Based on the information above, answer the following practice.
  • Write the answers on your notebook and bring them to the next class. 

A) Answer the following questions: 

-Who is the tallest person?  
-Does Jim study harder that Leah?    
-Is Leah lazier that Jim?    
-Does Leah eat more junk food than Jim? 

B) Make comparisons using these prompts by creating a sentence:

-Adam/ fat/ Jim
-Leah/good student/Jim


  1. 1) the tallest person is Leah.
    2) no he doesn't.
    3) no she isn't.
    4) no, she doesn't.

  2. Leah is the tallest person
    No he doesn´t Jim is lazy than leah, she is very good student
    No,she is study very hard than him
    No she doesn´t, he eat more funk food than she

  3. Who is the tallest person? Leah is the tallest person.
    Does Jim study harder that Leah? No, Leah study harder than Jim.
    Is Leah lazier that Jim? No,Leah is not lazier.
    Does Leah eat more junk food than Jim? No, Leah eat vegetables and fruits, Jim eat fast food.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. A.
      1. Leah is the tallest person
      2. No, he doesn´t Leah is study harder than Jim.
      3. No, she isn’t. Jim is lazier than Leah.
      4. No, she doesn´t. Jim eat more junk food than Leah.

  5. A.
    1. Leah is tallest person
    2. No, he doesn´t
    3. No, she doesn´t,Jim is the laziest person
    4. No, She doesn´t
    1. jim is fatter than adam
    2. Leah is better student than Jim
    3. Leah is fitter than Jim
    4. Jim is shorter than Adam

  6. 1. Leah very tallest
    2. No, he doesn't, she isn't
    4. No, she doesn't. She eats a lot of vegetales and fruits.

    Adam is fatter than Jim
    Leah is better student tahn Jim
    Leah is fitter than Jim
    Jim is shotter than Adam
